Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago I decided to start a little photo blog and share some of my photography. Two years ago on this day I put a first photo on this blog. Interestingly, as a first test post I put photo taken by my daughter. As a good luck charm perhaps. For the first eighteen month I used the default WordPress template and didn’t do any type of customizations, I just posted some photos, some months more some less. About six month ago I decided to get a bit more personal, learned a bit of CSS and customized the look at feel of this blog the way I wanted it. I decided to post at least twenty photos per month and so far staying on focus with it. I’m happy where I am with this blog. I think I have a good number of consistent followers (you know who you are Smile) and a good number of folks who come and go. I hope you come back and bring your friends and family. Please do.

I really appreciate you all coming here day after day. Thank You!

I’m not posting any new photos today. Instead, I decided to post five photos that received the most amount of ‘likes’ from you guys. The five most popular photos from the last six months are:

Sunrise at Mt Hood (link)

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Niagara Falls Sunset (link)

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Seattle Lights (link)

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The Hook (link)

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Golden Gates (link)

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Golden Gates

On my prior visits to San Francisco, which were business oriented, I never had a chance to see Golden Gate Bridge up close and personal. On this trip I made sure we see it from a few different places. In fact as soon as we arrived to San Francisco, we drove over the bridge to he north side and enjoyed the view. I took a few photos, duh.., here is one of them. It was around 11PM and bitterly cold with winds from the Pacific, but parking area was fairly full and at least 3-4 other groups of folks, interestingly, mostly speaking Japanese and Chinese hanging around and taking some photos and even videos of the bridge with city behind it. Popular spot.

I wondered at that time how busy it would be here during nice sunny day. Couple days later we drove by during the day, it was like a zoo.  So if you ever come there, make sure to time it right.

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